We feel like our mission statement says a lot about who we are:
We exist to provide a safe, supervised Christian atmosphere empowering young bodies and minds with a sense of God's purpose, well-being, skills and values to unlock their true potential in Christ.
Our Story
The Turning Point @ Sonrise story began in 2012 when God placed a calling in our hearts to create a safe place where young men and women could come be surrounded by inspirational influences and have uplifting experiences.
Our founder, Dr. Warren Rose noticed some young men getting into some trouble with the local law enforcement for skateboarding along the streets and other areas around Westmoreland. The Lord impressed upon him they they needed a place to skate. But more importantly, the young people of our community needed a positive influence in their lives and some direction toward a future.
So, Dr. Rose and his brothers purchased some property to begin building a place young people can come together in a safe place.
The skate park opened in 2016.
Dr. Rose, also an avid pilot, was called to add aviation as a fundamental part of the Turning Point Ministry. So, in 2017, we opened a flight school.
In 2019, the fitness center opened. And in 2021, our batting cages were installed. We also hold concerts and events at the foot of our cross up on the hill.
We've been holding periodic sunrise services since 2017 and in 2021, we had our first God and Country concert.
But God's just getting started here. We have plans for indoor soccer, an archery range and other exciting endeavors, including our next big concert in the summer of 2022.

Our Purpose
Our purpose is to give our community a place to socialize, become equipped for the future, and be inspired to serve our Creator and Savior.
We recognize the opportunity here in our community to provide an avenue for safe, positive recreation, to become physically fit, and to provide opportunities for career exploration.
Our community deserves a place we can all gather, fellowship and uplift one another. We pray that Turning Point@ Sonrise is becoming that place for Westmoreland and the surrounding areas.